
Thursday, February 8, 2007

Someone needs our Prayers

Sorry for the lack of new posts. I've been thinking about a friend in the new media community JOE MURPHY of Far Point Media, suffering from an inoperable cancer.

He needs our prayers, Messages of support can be left at

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About Me

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I grew up in Southern California where I developed an early apreciation for the land and human life as part of the ecosphere. I was active in vocational agriculture in High School, mentored by Dr. Colin Wainwright. I recieved degrees from California Polytechnic University, while recieving training in Homeopothy, Tai Chi and Wine production. After college, I emigrated to Israel where I make my home. The Judean Hills situated 700- 960 meters above sea level was left to fallow since biblical times, when it was a major center for growing medicinal plants.

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