
Monday, June 11, 2012

I saw this new line of Fashion jewelry that hails back to another time. Have a look.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Yesterday was Yom yerushliyiim (Jerusalem unification day)
I found this beautiful trailer for a new fim about Jerusalem. Filmed from aircraft, in the exciting iMax format, the film provides breathtaking views of all parts of the land of Israel, centering on Jerusalem.
This trailer captures the sights and sounds of this holiest of cities.
I reccomend seing this movie when it comes to your town. You will not be disapointed!
In the meantime, here are a selection of Jerusalem themed gift items from our friends at


About Me

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I grew up in Southern California where I developed an early apreciation for the land and human life as part of the ecosphere. I was active in vocational agriculture in High School, mentored by Dr. Colin Wainwright. I recieved degrees from California Polytechnic University, while recieving training in Homeopothy, Tai Chi and Wine production. After college, I emigrated to Israel where I make my home. The Judean Hills situated 700- 960 meters above sea level was left to fallow since biblical times, when it was a major center for growing medicinal plants.

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