
Friday, May 4, 2007

Help a family save their son's life:

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I don't often ask for money at this blog, there is usually a link to help needy children to receive educational enrichment, but I seldom mention it.
Now I am asking for help because a whole family is at stake. I know my readers, and I know that we will make this happen!

In addition to my busines, I am coordinator for community outreach for The Hasdey Avot Service organization in Israel.

Pinhas Tourgeman, a member of our community has experienced failure of his transplanted Kidney (from a living donor, family member).
This young man was diagnosed with Kidney failure three days after the senseless murder by terrorists of his brother, Yair, at Mevo Dotan, Israel in 2004.

For his parents wellbeing, we must do everything possible to save their surviving son.

Rabbi Dov Lior, Rabinnic court head for K. Arba has given his personal blessing to this campaign and all who support the effort.

We will be seeking money to enter rotation and have the operation performed privately in the U.S or Europe. This is costly, because he cannot travel without, medical accompaniment, family, living arrangements, etc. All told, the family needs over 100,000 dollars, a daunting sum, but if we all give what we can, we can make this happen

If you can help in any way, contact me here, or at . More information will be available at soon.

Any help (money, help spreading the word, contact with others who might be able to help, most of all, prayers, and positive energy) are greatly appreciated.

Donations can be made with a credit card or PayPal using the link here.

Help Pinhas Tourgeman

Or by check, made out to Hasdey Avot, (write Pinhas Tourgeman on the note line of check or on a separate sheet of paper)

Mail to: Hasdey Avot
25 David HaMelach St.
K. Arba, 90100

Yaakov (Jay) Gelobter

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About Me

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I grew up in Southern California where I developed an early apreciation for the land and human life as part of the ecosphere. I was active in vocational agriculture in High School, mentored by Dr. Colin Wainwright. I recieved degrees from California Polytechnic University, while recieving training in Homeopothy, Tai Chi and Wine production. After college, I emigrated to Israel where I make my home. The Judean Hills situated 700- 960 meters above sea level was left to fallow since biblical times, when it was a major center for growing medicinal plants.

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