This is going to be a really heavy post. So let's start with something which would be funny, if it wasn't pathetic.
Tell me what's wrong with this photo (hint:Amir Peretz) to win an E-book write me at innovativemarketting@gmail.com (Answers in a post next week)
Two of our friends were targeted by murderous gangs yesterday.
In the first attack, Erez Levanon, a 42 year-old father of three, a farmer and Torah Scholar from Bat Ayin, in Gush Etzion, was stabbed to death not far from his vehicle.
The second attack ended, thank god, safely for our friend, Yaakov Talia, who Arabs from Yata have been trying to uproot from his farm near Bet Yatir.
To Placate Arab demands, the civil administration has prevented Yaakov from entering his fields to plant crops he needs to feed his livestock.
He approached a group of arabs to ask what they are on his property. Yaakov is not usually armed on his property, however, he brought his weapon today in light of the previous night's murder of Erez
It is fortunate that he brought his M16 rifle along because other Arabs attacked him from behind; he fired in the air frightening them away.
He called the army and police, who came but didn't take any action to either follow or find the attackers.
Yaakov feels that the government and authorities are turning a blind eye to attacks and groundless arab land claims which endanger citizens, to appease the Arabs. This encourages the enemy to carry out these murderous attacks with impunity.
Beit Umar residents found Erez's body, between Bat Ayin and Beir Umar,and reported it to the Palestinian security authorities.
Security searches for suspects focused on Beit Umar and Hirbat Sapa near the wadi.
Security forces arrested two suspects identified as Khader Abu Daya and Moussa Khalil.
With their usual alacrity, and lack of insight, defense establishment sources reported, "no official Palestinian organization was behind the attack, which was initiated by the two suspects".
Is that So?????
However, within hours, the following news story was posted on the left leaning, slavishly pro- government news site YNET...
Islamic Jihad claims responsibility for settler's murder
In statement released on its website, group says two members of its al-Quds Brigades were 'able to lure settler into an agricultural area, and fatally stab him several times.' Organization also warns of 'more operations against Israeli soldiers and settlers'
Yaakov Lappin
02.26.07, 20:14 / Israel News
The Islamic Jihad has claimed responsibility for a stabbing attack which left an Israeli man dead on Sunday night.
The body of 42-year old Erez Levanon, of Gush Etzion, was found in an alleyway in the Palestinian village of Beit Omar, north of Hebron .
On Monday, the IDF arrested two Palestinians for the murder.
In a statement released on Islamic Jihad's website on Monday evening, the group said two members of its al-Quds Brigades were "able to lure a settler into an agricultural area, and fatally stab him several times."
A spokesman for the Muhammad Sidr Shahid group, part of Islamic Jihad's al-Quds Brigades, was quoted as taking responsibility for the attack by the group's website.
The statement also threatened further "operations against Israeli soldiers and settlers who continue to operate in a criminal manner against the people of Hebron," and added that the murder was "in retaliation for the continued Zionist aggression against the steadfast city of Nablus."
In the past five years, Islamic Jihad has carried out a series of deadly suicide bombings, including a 2005 bomb attack in Tel Aviv, in which four Israelis were murdered. In 2003, an Islamic Jihad suicide bomber killed 21 and injured 60 people in an attack on the Maxim restaurant in Haifa.
In the we told you so department:
Again quoted from www.ynetnews.com.
See how our "peace partners" ????? return our confidence building measures.
Synagogues now terror firing zone
Ruins of two large synagogues in Gush Katif transformed into military base used to fire rockets at Israeli cities and train for attacks against the Jewish state, senior terror group member says
Aaron Klein, WND
02.27.07, 13:28 / Israel News
The ruins of two large synagogues in Gush Katif, the evacuated Jewish communities of the Gaza Strip, have been transformed into a military base used by Palestinian groups to fire rockets at Israeli cities and train for attacks against the Jewish state, according to a senior terror leader in Gaza.
When Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip in August 2005, it left intact 20 synagogues of the Gush Katif Jewish communities following an Israeli Cabinet decision against demolishing the structures.
Immediately after the Israeli evacuation was completed, Palestinians mobs destroyed most of the Gaza synagogues, including two major synagogues which were situated in Neve Dekalim, the largest Gush Katif community.
In front of international camera crews, the Palestinians ripped off aluminum window frames and metal ceiling fixtures from the Neve Dekalim synagogues, which were situation close to each other in the center of town. Militants flew the Palestinian and Hamas flags from the structures before mobs burned down the synagogues.
Speaking to WND from Gaza, Abu Abir, spokesman for the Popular Resistance Committees terrorist organization, said the area where the synagogues once stood now is used to fire rockets at Israel.
"We are proud to turn these lands, especially these parts that were for long time the symbol of occupation and injustice, like the synagogue, into a military base and source of fire against the Zionists and the Zionist entity," Abu Abir said.
"The liberated lands of the destroyed ugly and Nazi settlements (Gush Katif) is our property, and we have the right to do whatever we feel is suitable for the struggle against the occupation and for the general interest of the Palestinian people," the Committees leader said.
The Committees is a coalition of terrorist organizations operating in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank responsible for launching hundreds of rockets from Gaza aimed at nearby Jewish towns. The group is accused of bombing a US convoy in Gaza in 2003 in which three American government contractors were killed.
Abu Abir blamed the Palestinian desecration of the Gaza synagogues on the Jewish state, claiming the decision to leave the structures intact was part of an Israeli conspiracy.
"The Zionists left these so called synagogues in order to make that one day media outlets like WorldNetDaily would raise the pathetic and rude argument about what we have done to the poor Zionists holy places. (Israel) left the synagogues behind so the world would see the Palestinians destroying them," Abu Abir said.
'It sends pain straight to my heart'
The terrorist leader claimed the mob destruction of the synagogues was not planned but was a spontaneous outburst of "happiness."
"The looting and burning of the synagogues was a great joy. There was no intention to desecrate them but this was part of the great joy the young men had when they destroyed everything that could remind us of the occupation. It was in an unplanned expression of happiness that these synagogues were destroyed."
Prior to the Gaza withdrawal, Israel's Supreme Court ruled the Gaza synagogues should be bulldozed by the Israeli army, citing what it said was previous Palestinian desecrations of other religions' holy sites as justification for the synagogue demolitions. But then-Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, who said he opposed the demolitions, put the decision to Cabinet vote. The Cabinet decided against destroying the structures.
Israel's chief rabbinate had petitioned the Supreme Court to halt the synagogue destructions, arguing the demolitions contravene Jewish
law. Rabbi Shear-Yashuv Cohen, a member of the chief rabbinate, explained to WND at the time: "According to Jewish law, synagogues cannot be destroyed unless new ones are already built, and even then, the issues are complicated. Here, the former Gaza residents don't have homes yet to live in, new synagogues have not been built, so there isn't even a question."
The senior rabbis also expressed fear Jews in other parts of the world may use bulldozings of the Gaza synagogues as precedent to destroy other abandoned synagogues.
Upon being informed of the current status of the synagogue ruins, Dror Venunu, a former Gush Katif resident who said he prayed daily at the Neve Dekalim synagogues, told WND he was "sick to his stomach."
"It sends pain straight to my heart and makes me sick to my stomach. In any other part of world this would be unacceptable, but where is the media? Where is the international outcry condemning use of a holy site for terrorism?" commented Venunu, who is the international coordinator for the Gush Katif Committee, a major charity organization representing Gaza's former Jewish residents, most of whom are living in temporary housing units.
Yaakov Gelobter- Editor